End of Year Tax Summary
Reviewing Past Donations / End of Year Tax Letters
A donation receipt will be emailed to you when you make a donation. We email a summary for tax purposes at the end of January for donations made the prior calendar year. You can login to your account to view previous donations and tax forms. Note! For security reasons, when you first register, you will not see past donations. You will need to verify your account, by clicking on the emailed verification link, to see your past donations.
Missing a Donation in Your Tax Summary
The donations in your verified Kindful account should be showing all donations which we have associated with your email address. Remember: tax letters are based on the calendar (not school) year. Note that these letters only include amounts donated by you as an individual. If your partner donated, the donation maybe under his or her email address. This total does not include matching and may not include small donations for Reading Power if made by cash/check without your address or email. Purchases at the Spring Auction are given credit if above market value per IRS rules. If you still think there is an error, please email us at support@schoolforce.org.
Received More than One Tax Summary Email
Help, I received two (or more) of these letters! Please combine the total from all letters together for your taxes. If both emails were to the same email address — then please login to your kindful account and verify your email address by clicking on the emailed verification link. If you used two different email addresses and would like to combine accounts, contact us (see below).
What if I have questions?
If you have any questions, please email us at support@schoolforce.org.